DA Supervision Division

In some criminal cases a court may order a defendant to be supervised by the District Attorney's Supervision office. The Rules and Conditions of DA Supervision are executed in court with the defense attorney and prosecuting attorney. A copy of the Rules and Conditions is given to the defendant to present to the DA Supervision office after leaving court. Probation requirements for defendants in this program include the following: (1) providing monthly proof of residence; (2) providing monthly proof of gainful employment and/or pursuit of gainful employment; (3) providing up to date contact information; (4) maintaining contact with the DA Supervision office; (5) avoiding any negative contact with law enforcment, as well as immediately reporting any negative contact with law enforcement. In addition, defendants must pay a monthly fee to the DA Supervision office as a condition of their probation, and provide proof of completion of any program, assessment or class as ordered by the court.
Instructions for Probationers
Report to the District Attorney's Supervision office on the 1st Floor of the Tulsa County Courthouse in person with photo identification within seven days of sentencing. Following registration, all other communications with our office may be made by email, fax, phone or mail unless otherwise directed by our office.
You must pay your DA Supervision fees with a cashier’s check, money order or credit card. Credit card payments may be made in person at our office, at govpaynow.com (use pay location code 4742) or by calling 1-888-604-7888 and using pay location code 4742.
To stay in compliance with DA Supervision, monthly proof of address and employment/job searches must be submitted to our office via email, fax, mail, or in person. Proof of address should be written documentation which shows your place of residence (a utility bill or correspondence, etc.). Proof of employment should be a paystub or letter from your employer. Job searches may be emailed from a job search website.
If ordered by the court to complete a substance abuse/drug/alcohol evaluation please find a state certified facility and make an appointment. Some facilities in the Tulsa area that offer assessments and treatment are:
- Human Skills and Resources 918-747-6377
- Mary Gates Assessments 918-760-2713
- Oklahoma DUI Schools & Assessments 918-688-5863
- Oklahoma Safety Center 918-621-1600
- Victims’ Impact Panel of Oklahoma, Inc. 918-960-3001
If ordered by the court to complete Batterer’s Intervention/Domestic Violence Intervention Services contact a state certified provider and schedule an appointment for intake. Sometimes the court appoints a specific treatment provider. Some of these treatment facilities are:
- Chandler & Associates 918-270-4660
- Domestic Violence Intervention Services (DVIS) 918-585-3163
- Human Skills & Resources 918-747-6377
- Transformations 539-777-1171
The 991 Cost Fee Program
Defendants who are not on formal supervision while on probation or defendants reporting to a supervising authority other than the Tulsa County District Attorney’s Office may be ordered by the court to pay a Cost Fee authorized by Section 991d(A)(2).
If ordered by the court to pay 991 Cost Fees to the Tulsa County District Attorney’s Office, please report in person with photo identification to the District Attorney's Supervision office on the 1st Floor of the Tulsa County Courthouse within seven days of sentencing to register with the program. The 991 Cost program is a fee only payable to the District Attorney’s Office, and defendants sentenced to this program are not supervised by the District Attorney’s Office. After registration, payments may be made by a cashier’s check, money order or credit card. Credit card payments may be made in person at our office, at govpaynow.com (use pay location code 4743) or by calling 1-888-604-7888 and using pay location code 4743.